Article archive
Former AG Issues Massive Comey Announcement… Now Jail Time on the Table
04/23/2018 10:20
by Benjamin Arie
Former FBI Director James Comey may have just been hoisted by his own petard.
It looks increasingly likely that the now-fired director tried to use internal memos of meetings and conversations with Donald Trump to undermine the president, but those very memos are now making...
Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work
04/20/2018 11:22
by John W. Whitehead
“Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”— James Russell Lowell, 19th century American novelist
Let us not mince words.
We are living in an age...
New Study Exposes How Internet Giants Are ‘Suppressing Conservative Speech’
04/19/2018 12:13
by Chris Agee
Amid continued concerns about the security of user data among the nation’s top tech firms, some critics continue to focus on another perceived shortcoming of companies like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
As Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, brought up during Facebook CEO Mark...
Clinton Foundation a charitable fraud.. in trouble
04/18/2018 10:50
by Staff & Anonymous
Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation stumbled so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence?
Perhaps this summary will provide some insight?? The Federalist reports: "The tax records, which were filed with the IRS in November of...
Judiciary Committee Member Okays Getting Rid of Rosenstein
04/17/2018 10:37
by Ben Marquis
For months, there has been talk among the liberal media and Democrats that President Donald Trump is on the verge of firing special counsel Robert Mueller, despite repeated statements to the contrary from Trump himself.
In recent weeks, that suspicion of imminent termination...
Once Upon a Time
04/16/2018 11:17
by Anonymous
I think you'll enjoy this. Whoever wrote it could have been my next door neighbor because it totally describes my childhood to a T...
Black and White (Under age 45? You won't understand.) You could hardly see for all the snow, Spread the rabbit ears as far as...
Breaking: Rosenstein Personally Approved FBI Raid of Trump Lawyer
04/13/2018 12:11
by Randy DeSoto
Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein reportedly personally approved the Monday morning FBI raids on President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen’s home and offices.
The New York Times reported that the FBI seized emails, tax documents and records, some of...
Top U.S. Scientific Misconduct Official Quits in Frustration With Bureaucracy
04/12/2018 10:44
by Jocelyn Kaiser
{A 2014 article highlighting entrenched bio-medical research misconduct amid a dysfunctional Federal regulatory bureaucracy or how the quest for money and perpetuity blurs the line between ethics, money and politics. - ED}
The director of the U.S. government office...
Mueller Investigating $150k Trump Donation from Ukranian Who Gave Hillary $13 Million
04/11/2018 09:53
by Chuck Ross
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office is investigating a $150,000 donation a Ukrainian businessman made to President Donald Trump’s charity in 2015, according to a new report. The donation, from steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, pales in comparison to contributions he gave to...
Itteresting Consequences from the Wrong E-mail Address
04/10/2018 09:52
by Anonymous
A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address!
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
Items: 31 - 40 of 1460