Durham Report proves COLLUSION between FBI and Hillary Clinton over Russiagate hoax
(Natural News) According to Glenn Beck, the Durham Report only proved that failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conspired to push the Russiagate hoax against former President Donald Trump. During the May 17 edition of his "Glenn" podcast, Beck said the report revealed the … [Read More...]
That Time the FBI Dropped Four Investigations Into Those Filthy Clintons Before the 2016 Election
Chelsea Clinton Promotes ‘The Big Catch-Up’: We Need To Stop ‘Stripping Away Public Health Emergency Powers’ To Vaccinate ‘As Many Kids As Possible’
Supid knows no Bounds: Hillary Clinton taunts Ron DeSantis, Republicans by siding with Disney in fight against “Parental Rights in Education”
(Natural News) Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton signified her siding with Disney as the entertainment giant continues its "war" against Republicans and those who support parental rights, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. "As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I'm … [Read More...]
Young Man about to receive 10 years in Prison for Mocking Hillary Clinton
John Durham Wins First Part of the Fight to Obtain “Privileged” Fusion GPS Documents in Huge Blow to Clinton Campaign

Finally: 2016 Clinton campaign, DNC punished for lying about phony “Russia dossier”
(Natural News) They say justice delayed is justice denied and that is true, but they also say 'better late than never,' and both of them apply in this case. More than five years ago, Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic National Committee, which she had all but officially taken over as a vessel to fund her campaign against … [Read More...]
Update: Chris Steele Accomplice Was VP at Firm Working for Clinton Fdn, Russians Who Bought Uranium One… at Same Time!
Speculation Swirls Around Clinton Confidant Sidney Blumenthal as Source for Second Trump Dossier
The prospect of Blumenthal — a long-time Clinton operative — feeding information for an FBI investigation on the Trump campaign has caused alarm
DOJ to Re-Examine Evidence in Uranium One Investigation
NBC reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered DOJ prosecutors to interview the FBI agents who investigated possible corruption in the Uranium One deal and its players’ links to the Clinton Foundation.
FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot BEFORE Hillary Clinton Approved Uranium One Deal
Clinton, Obama at center of real Russian collusion scandal
Trump Calls for Investigation into the Clintons’ Russian Ties
President Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday evening and asked why aren’t congressional lawmakers probing the various deals, transactions, and connections former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have to Russia.
“Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech,” read Trump’s first tweet, which was followed by, “…money to Bill, the Hillary Russian “reset,” praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!”
Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017…money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2017
Trump’s assertion that then-Secretary of State Clinton “allowed big Uranium to go to Russia” and Bill Clinton’s high-dollar “Russian speech” were allegations first reported by The New York Times (NYT) and based on research from the NYT bestseller Clinton Cash, authored by Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer...MORE
Tom Fitton: Judicial Watch Asks Court to Compel Hillary Clinton Email Answers
Is the Weiner Laptop Actually a Backup from 2013 that He Gave the FBI to Stay Out of Prison?
Hacked Memo Reinforces Worst Perception of the Clintons
Rigged: Politico Let Clinton Team Edit Story…
Liar..Liar The Hillary Song
The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton
The Hillary Tapes - Clinton tells of defense of child rapist in newly unearthed recordings
WikiLeaks Searchable Archives of Clinton Emails
‘You’d Better Put Some Ice On That’: Clinton Rape Accuser to Release Tell-all
Juanita Broaddrick's new book aims to set record straight on alleged rape
Update — Dem Memo Confirms FBI Used Dossier, Never Told Court Was Funded by Clinton Campaign, DNC…
…Edward Klein: The Hillary Dossier Connection
Rep. DeSantis: ‘We Know Now Without a Shadow of a Doubt’ Hillary and Democrats Colluded with Russia
Facebook, the CIA, and the Clintons
By Jon Rappoport This article recounts key events along a time line that stretches from 1986 to the present. Follow the bouncing ball. Since Facebook…
Bill Clinton’s airport run-in with Loretta Lynch was no accident
Why Clintons Must Face Justice
These people are thieves and monsters, said Haitian aid worker Gary Heavin
The nation of Haiti could easily serve as the most visibly damning evidence of the most despicable type of self-enrichment and grand theft known as “disaster capitalism.”
Most people, especially in America, however, would never know it as the corporate controlled media has erected a wall of silence and censorship to protect the perpetrators of one of the greatest thefts of funds and cases of self-enrichment in world history. The people of Haiti have been thrice victimized...MORE
Hillary Clinton Medical Records Leaked???? Dementia, Partial Seizures Noted On Alleged Leaked Docs - Twitter Account of Whistleblower Disappears Watch the films attached to this report see the mysterious hole in her tongue, the bizarre facial expressions characteristic of stroke, the frequent coughing fits, the bobbled head movement associated with brain seizures, barking like a dog (I don't think this was a comedy gesture on camera) and how she has to be helped up an ordinary set of stairs by her handlers. Anyone think that this is normal?
Diagnosis: Complex Partial Seizures - Subcortical Vascular Dementia
Chelsea Clinton Apartment Shares Same Address as Metrocare Medical Facility
Hillary Clinton's health is under a microsope now more than ever. Key observers have ..