Education Cartel
NEA BrownShirts:Teachers accused of forcing 7-year-old special ed student to eat own vomit with spoon
Tell Me Teacher-Groomers Aren't Real: Degenerate Teacher's Aide Arrested for Licking the Feet of a Seven-Year-Old
In 53 Illinois Schools, Not a Single Student Can Do Math at Grade Level: An indictment of Illinois’ public education system.
The Public School System Doesn't Exist for the Students. It exists for the Tracher's Unions
New US History School Textbook Slams Trump Supporters As Scared Racists
The Death of Academic Rigor
Emanuel is Spinning – and Fleecing – Taxpayers on Chicago Public School Funding Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s recent letter to the editor published by the Wall Street Journal claimed that anyone who thinks Illinois passed a financial “bailout” for his city and its beleaguered school system is “misguided, ill-informed and oblivious of the facts.” We know “bailout” is an ugly, politically damning word. But insisting that taking more money from already overburdened taxpayers to pay for decades of disgraceful mismanagement doesn’t amount to a bailout is, at best, a pathetic attempt by Emanuel to save face. READ MORE |
Public Education Moves Closer to its Goal of total Control of the Kansas State Bubget.
The parents and taxpayers of Kansas are held hostage by a corrupt public school system and a judicial oligharchy which has set itself as 'overseer' of how the people's money is spent. In 2010, a group of school districts sued the state (once again), alleging that the Kansas legislature underfunded public schools, violating its duty to make "suitable provision for finance of the educational interests of the state."
The latest win in the Kansas Supreme Court (Gannon v.. State) lawsuit provides the following numbers:
- 06/04/2012: This lawsuit went to trial on June 4, 2012, before a three judge panel in Topeka.
- Five: Evidence was presented over five weeks, with 17 days of trial, 662 exhibits, totaling 18,727 pages, and 44 witnesses.
- $2.962 billion: Amount Kansas will spend from its general fund this year on K-12 education
- $515 million: Estimated amount Kansas would have to yearly fund K-12 education to comply with trial court's January 2013 order.
- $1.3 billion: Estimated amount plaintiffs claim should be added to K-12 funding.
- $4,492: Level of base per pupil funding required under current Kansas law, and the amount the trial court ordered the Legislature to fund.
- $3,838: Base state aid per pupil actually being funded in this year's budget.
- 2005: The year another, similar school finance case - Montoy v. Kansas - was settled, which set a precedent for Gannon v. Kansas.
There will be no end to the school lawsuits as a result of Montoy eventually bankrupting the citizens of Kansas.
This section is dedicated to exposing the abuses that parents with children in the state controlled K-12 education system have experienced under National Education Administration purview. It is both shocking and eye opening. In the state of Kansas, the education cartel dictates through legal action in the courts the exact amounts that citizens must pay to have their child indoctrinated in the ptrevailing state ideology.
What the 'Trans' Agenda has Given us. Legalized Perversion. "The new American reports: Here are a few of the many stories [of Transgenders abusing women] from around the country: San Diego, Calif.; Chicago, Ill.; Woodbridge, Va.; Palmdale, Calif.; Rockville, Md.; Ashburn, Va.; Bozeman, Mont.; and Washington, D.C." You can view the New American article in the scrolling link above.
Still believe the PC bullshit that gender is how you see yourself?
Mind Conditioning and Control of your child
BREITBART:- Pro-transgender groups and their progressive political allies are trying to shape the early development of children, but are being rejected by the public and resisted by mainstream professional and pro-family groups. To learn more about the public’s opposition to the transgender ideology, click here.
Education Views that teach Kids 'Wrong think"..
(Natural News) As hard as it may be for you to do so, if you've got a child in public school, it would be in your and your child's best interests long-term, to get them out and either homeschool them or put them into a private institution. That's because the left-wing lunatics who have long dominated our public education system are … [Read More...]
Groomer alert: School district grants funds to middle school to pay for drag queen show
(Natural News) A middle school in Bellingham, Washington will be hosting a “Drop-Dead Gorgeous Drag Show”, put on by the students in the Gender Sexuality Alliance Club. On March 29, Bellingham Public Schools held a Shark Tank-style competition where student groups from across the district presented their ideas for “improving their … [Read More...]
The Left’s “Ethnomathematics”: Expecting the Right Answer is White Supremacy
Entire California School Board Resigns After Leaked Video of Trashing Parents For Wanting Schools to Open
The Chicago public school system has decided to openly defy the president of the United States
Inside the Chicago Public Schools Crisis
Tim Benson, Townhall
You’d have to look long and hard for a better example of a mismanaged and underperforming public-run school system than the Chicago Public Schools. Despite the fact that CPS teachers are the most highly compensated teachers in any major city, the Chicago Teachers Union voted overwhelmingly to go on strike during the 2016 spring semester. Most, if not all, of this would be forgivable if the system succeeded in adequately teaching Chicago students. It has not. READ MORE