Fracking-Contaminated Groundwater: The Myth That Failed
Research & Commentary: Hydraulic Fracturing Does Not Pose a Serious Threat to Groundwater
Regulation Should Be Based On Best Available Science, Not Fear And Misinformation
Hydraulic fracturing, commonly called “fracking,” is not a major threat to drinking water, according to a new study financed in part by the antifracking Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
Air Quality and Industrial Sand (Frac Sand) Mining
Frac sand mining may soon be a contentious issue in your community. Its opponents claim sand mining is an “unregulated industry” that threatens air and water quality. Your neighbors and friends may be especially worried about the potential impact of sand mining on air quality. Those concerns are thoughtfully addressed in this Heartland Policy Study, the final paper in a six-part series addressing frac sand mining. READ MORE
Comprehensive Regulatory Control and Oversight of Industrial Sand (Frac Sand) Mining
Industrial silica sand mining is governed by a comprehensive regulatory apparatus established to protect human and environmental health from the potential impacts of all industrial activities, including industrial sand mining.
EPA's Study of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas and Its Potential ...
Isaac Orr, research fellow at The Heartland Institute, dispels some myths regarding the health effects of hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking. Recent studies heralded by the Colorado School of Public Health and the New York Department of Health claimed fracking resulted in birth defects in children residing near welling sites and higher rates of hospitalization in rural Pennsylvania. Orr explains that these studies were not credible because of faulty and insufficient research. Watch the latest installment in the Fracking Facts video series, and learn the truth about fracking and its health impacts.
To watch the sixth video, "Health Effects of Fracking," click here.
To watch previous videos from the Fracking Facts series, click the links below:
3. The Environmental Impact of Fracking
5. Fracking and Global Warming
Isaac Orr is a research fellow for energy and environment policy at The Heartland Institute, speaking and writing about hydraulic fracturing, frac sand mining, and agricultural and environmental issues. He studied political science and geology at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, where he won awards for his undergraduate geology research. Orr went on to become a lead-office writer and policy advisor on frac sand mining and agricultural issues in the Wisconsin State Senate.
Follow Isaac on Twitter! @TheFrackingGuy
To learn more about hydraulic fracturing and its impact on the economy and environment, read our policy studies at