Epstein Murder..
Really? The first camera supposed failed but likely was disconnected or tampered with. Now many weeks later a supposed second film of Epstein shows up claiming he was alone in his cell. Too long an interlude between the event and the new evidence has elapsed. Good chance this 'new evidence' was doctored from older Epstein surveillance tapes to support the suicide ruling as all we have is the Feds word for it. Given the startling revelations of Strzok and Page, I wouldn't give a nickel as to its authenticity.
“I’ve had the story for three years… we would not put it on the air,” Robach said on the hot mic. “It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything...Robach also said that Roberts had photos and statements from attorneys to back up her claims...ABC News downplayed the significance of the video, telling Fox News that the Epstein story wasn’t fit to air...“He made his whole living blackmailing people. There was a lot of men in those planes, a lot of men who visited that island, lot of powerful men who came into that apartment,” she said. "I knew immediately."
On Tuesday the autopsy revealed Epstein suffered broken bones in his neck common in homicide by strangulation.
Since his death we have learned a number of things that make you question this man’s death.
Here is a Complete List of Inconsistencies in Prison Policy Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Death:
** Epstein said he was considering cooperating in “naming names” in his international sex ring
** He was found unconscious in his prison cell just three weeks earlier
** Two days prior to his death documents released for the first time implicated several top Democrats in his pedo sex ring
** He was taken off suicide watch after a failed attempt just two weeks earlier
** He was in isolation (unusual for a suicidal individual)
** The cameras malfunctioned — There is no video
Disbelieving the state narrative on a reported event or holding a contrary belief about what transpired is now defined as a domestic terrorist. But according to Ron JOhnson, a Senator from Senator Ron Johnson (R) of Wisconsis: "And that secret society..we have an informant talking about a group that were holding secret meetings off-site...This is further evidence of corruption - more than bias- but corruption at the highest levels of the FBI"
The FBI is a FIFTH column at the highest level of US Law enforcement.