Abortion Killings Are Ignored
by Alveda King
With the news of yet another mass murder, this time from a celebrity shooter, comes more cries from those seeking gun control.
The shooter Elliot Rodgers is yet another example of the symptoms that plague our world. The son of an Assistant Director of the award winning sans gratuitously violent film "The Hunger Games" went on a violent stabbing/shooting spree in what was an apparent cry for help gone wrong.
Once again the elephant in the room is hiding in plain sight while the obvious is being overlooked. Yes we lament the death of Rodgers' victims while at the same time we make no accepted outcry over the deaths of the thousands of innocent people being killed right here in America every day.
Millions of babies have died by abortion. Hundreds of mothers are subsequently injured by abortion; some die. And a significant amount of lament is sorely lacking.
Yet in the case of Rodgers, a puzzled mainstream media is asking: "Could it be that the media hype is due to the Hollywood link? Rich white men? Mental illness?"
Seriously? Is anyone connecting the dots here? These above are possible symptoms; not causes of outbreaks of senseless violence.
People are creating mayhem on victims they do not know. In the streets, in the schools, in the dorm rooms, in the form of human trafficking, in the hospitals, and in the wombs of women.
Not just with guns and knives, but with scalpels and forceps and drugs and devices. Added to the growing list of victims of senseless violence are young babies in the womb, their tortured mothers, the sick, and the elderly.
Yes, Rodger used guns, but he also stabbed people. So will we again push for gun control? What about knife control? And what if he had choked his victims. Will we advocate for strangulation control?
The problem is not the weapons Rodger used; the problem is the attitude toward the lack of demanding the right to dignity of life in our society.
Instead this seems to be the prevailing mindset of today: Is someone standing in your way? Kill that person. Someone has what you want? Do whatever you have to get it from that human being, even if it means murder. Another person is interfering with your life's plans? Abort your baby. Someone sick or old? Euthanize.
We see from this mindset that for many, life has become disposable in our society. As Mother Teresa once said, "The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between."
Peace in America has been destroyed in the name of 'choice.' A 'choice' that has left millions of children dead and many women, mothers dead or wounded. As a result of the 1973 Roe v. Wade law which brought legal abortion and the 1963 action removing prayer from our schools, we are reaping a harvest of lawless violence. Yet people are still asking, "Why?"
Last week, May 28 marked the International Day of Action for Women's Health. While many pro-aborts planned to take to Twitter to promote abortions as healthcare pro-life activists hijacked the hashtags #WomensHealth and #May28 to tweet the truth about abortion. As most would agree, abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is mind-numbing death care. So are the harmful cancer/stroke/heart attack-causing, carcinogenic so-called birth control products; not healthcare but fertility-blocking death care.
Pro-life activists have been accused of raging a war on women. Nothing can be further from the truth. We want to protect them both, the mother and the baby.
Yet our protection is being censored while our children's lives, minds, and souls are under attack.
Before Rodger's shooting rampage he posted a video on YouTube in which he sat in the driver's seat of a car and revealed his plans to "slaughter the hottest sorority girls at UCSB." In a blog post, Rodger wrote: "Being lonely in a beautiful place like Santa Barbara is truly a horrible experience. As I've said many times, a beautiful environment can be the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone, especially while having to watch other men walking around with their girlfriends."
He hated women. He had been hurt by their refusals and he wanted to pay them back. It was all about him - his feelings, his horrible experience, His personal hell. He raged a war on women in the Isla Vista community. And his rampage also resulted in other casualties.
Is what Rodgers did really so different from the war on women and their baby boys and girls that is being waged by abortionists and the abortion industry? Although they say they don't hate women, they too hurt women and children for their own gain. For them it may not a vengeful shooting or stabbing act but the result is the same mass war on women and babies that leaves casualties none the less.
2012 was a record year for abortions and mass murders. And for blaming guns, white men, white privilege, Hollywood, mental illness, poverty, and only God knows what else.
Yet the mass murders such as Rodgers' spree, school bombings, etc., have been occurring at an accelerated rate that parallels the removal of prayer from schools and the scenario of the abortion history.
Mass murders increased when prayer was taken out of school and abortion was legalized. A godless nation is becoming a soulless nation.
When pro-life activists who care about children and their parents are said to be waging a war on women; when dismembering an unborn child while it is still in his/her mother's womb is called healthcare; when the elderly and sick are being euthanized in growing numbers; then I ask you: What is left but for you to kill me and me to kill you?
Let us pray for repentance and revival. All is not lost. May God raise up a fearless "Generation Z," a new beginning with warriors of old uniting with millennial champions of justice so that the killings will subside and our land can be healed.
Dr. Alveda C. King grew up in the civil rights movement led by her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is a pastoral associate and director of African-American outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries. Her family home in Birmingham, Ala., was bombed, as was her father’s church office in Louisville, Ky. Alveda herself was jailed during the open housing movement. Read more reports from Dr. Alveda C. King Here
[Note: Well said. And we have yet another school shooting today in Oregon. However, no wonder that so many women think it is OK to abort because they have been lied to about the accurate science involved for at least 40 years now. At least some of the blame for their deadly confusion and so much ignoring of this disaster belongs to real scientists -- as well as to supposed prolifers -- who knew and still know perfectly well that the human embryology they were claiming was false through and through (just a bunch of stem cells, just tissues of the mother, deconstruction and falsifying of the genuine Carnegie Stages, all human beings begin to exist at conception/fertilization -- only (but what about the abortions of asexually reproduced experimental human embryos/fetuses that have been implanted into women that are accelerating along with all the genetic engineering, etc.?), pregnancy begins in the womb or at implantation, etc.), yet perpetuated it, or stayed silent, to get their money grants or advance their compromised agendas. - DNI]