Endowing the U.S. Dollar with real value

04/18/2013 10:25

by W.S. Chutzpah


As America’s fiat paper money continues in its death spiral toward zero value, there is a very real way to endow it with a minimum value no matter what the Fed does to it. Our government should change the size of the dollar, the composition of the paper on which it is printed, and the method by which it is delivered to the end user (no pun intended).

Were the American dollar made in rolls 4 inches wide by 4-1/2 inches in diameter and wound around a 1 inch diameter cardboard tube its value would be guaranteed forever. There would be no need for central banks or even Fort Knox. Every American would become a guardian of the nation’s wealth by storing their fair share in their bathrooms.

The politicians and central bankers who spent the last half a century stealing and debasing our currency would suddenly find themselves able to possess and control only their fair share. That would make the two most profitable occupations far less attractive. After what is the use of being elected to office if there is not treasury from which to line your pockets? What is the use of being a central banker if you can’t privatize the profits and publicize the losses?

We could make it a constitutional amendment. It won’t need a number – we’ll just call it the “Last Amendment”. If you think about it, the possibilities are endless.