FCC’s Privacy Rules are a Farce!
by Team Freedom
When FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler imposed Obama’s view of regulation on the Internet — so-called "net neutrality” rules — the corporations that helped him take over the Internet got a last minute reprieve from having to follow them. That was a sweet deal for net neutrality cheerleader Netflix--especially since we now know they’ve been breaking the basic principles of net neutrality for the past five years. But now the biggest supporter of Obama’s government takeover of the Internet — with exclusions for Obama’s select corporate cronies, of course — is about to get its reward. And it’s a doozy.
Google knows more about you than anyone. More about your personal shopping habits; what you watch on the Internet; and how you live your life. And using your personal data for their own profit is a major part of their business model.
So when the FCC’s Chairman Tom Wheeler announced he was going to make protecting our privacy his next big issue, skeptics thought, “Which big corporation is going to get preferred treatment this time?"
And they were right! Wheeler isn’t protecting our privacy. He is using government to create two sets of rules, while protecting Google from any privacy considerations whatsoever! The FCC is not planning to regulate a certain business practice, but rather to selectively regulate that practice by certain companies but not others.
Chairman Wheeler’s brazenness is breathtaking: While regular Internet Service Providers will operate under the most stringent privacy rules on the Internet, Google will remain free to collect and sell your personal information to anyone they want. Why? Because the FCC privacy rules are based on the net neutrality regs that Google is exempted from — because of rules Wheeler set as chairman! Isn’t this what makes you sick about the federal government? Big companies lobby and manipulate for regulations that affect all of us, but don’t apply to them!
Imagine rules about privacy that exclude the biggest corporate collector of your personal data!
Sometimes it’s hard to tell where Google ends and the Obama Administration begins. As reported just last week, the company’s executives have met with the White House hundreds of times. Literally hundreds of Googlers have gone to work for the Obama Administration, and vice-versa.
This FCC doesn’t care about your privacy. They care about protecting Obama’s biggest corporate benefactor. Nothing more.
Anyone who is paying attention can see that Google and the FCC are working together for their own interests — not yours — and now it’s time we make the FCC admit it to the world.
Why are you going out of your way to protect Google, Obama’s biggest corporate patron?
What Chairman Wheeler is doing is an insult to our intelligence. A government takeover of the Internet on one hand with special interest carve-outs for Obama’s multi-billion dollar corporate cronies on the other: What a disgrace!
Tell the Chairman that he’s been caught red-handed.