Former Prosecutor Confirms Mueller Investigation Is A Witch Hunt With No Actual Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion

12/07/2017 10:23


There is no discernible evidence of any conspiracy between Russia and Donald Trump so Robert Mueller is conducting a “fishing expedition” in a desperate attempt at finding any kind of criminal behavior, according to former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy.

While there is already ample evidence that Mueller is nothing more than a deep state operative with the goal of taking out the elected president by any means necessary, the fact that yet another high-profile former prosecutor has publicly come out against his witch hunt just goes to show how bad it has actually gotten.

McCarthy made clear that the way that Mueller’s team is operating is not even remotely close to how normal prosecutions usually work. This is even more shocking when you consider that this is being done to the rightfully elected President of the United States.

“The usual thing in the United States is that there’s a crime, so we assign a prosecutor,” he explained in an interview with WND and Radio America. “Here, there’s no crime. We assign a prosecutor. We tell him to go find a crime.”

McCarthy continued by noting that so far Mueller has been completely unable to find any evidence, much less an actual crime, between Trump and Russia. 
“He’s gone about his investigation as a kind of broad fishing expedition within those very broad parameters,” McCarthy said. “If they had a crime that was the predicate for this investigation, it would have been conducted a different way. But he wasn’t directed to investigate a crime. He was given this very broad mandate.”  That’s right, this is nothing more than a fishing expedition, cheered on by the establishment press and run by documented pro-Clinton forces who are specifically targeting the man who beat their preferred candidate in the 2016 election.

McCarthy also made clear that despite charges being filed against three different Trump associates, the fact remains that this all has nothing to do with the president working with Russia.  “Collusion is kind of a loaded word. All it means is concerted activity. What prosecutors care about is conspiracy, not collusion. Conspiracy is an agreement to violate a particular federal law. In this case, the law that they’re most likely talking about is some form of espionage by the Russians targeting the 2016 election,” McCarthy continued.

“I never thought they had a case on that. I haven’t seen anything to suggest it. What we’ve seen with the three sets of charges is quite the opposite.”  The entire interview is a must hear and has provided even more evidence that we are witnessing a sort of soft coup in America where liberal leaning deep state forces are openly using the power of the FBI to target a man who the American people voted to put in office.

This truly is hardcore level corruption in its most obvious form.


The article was first published here.