Interesting! Always a back story with this crowd!
by Laura J Alcorn
The [lame]stream media and all of the DNC operatives are working overtime to destroy Donald Trump over his comments about "Gold Star Parents" Khizr Kahn and his wife. Well guess what, they are both longtime DNC supporters and fund raisers. Their son was killed in combat in 2004. The DNC didn't need them to speak at their convention in 2008, nor again in 2012. The DNC decided that they finally needed the Khan's to speak against the Republican candidate in 2016 (because the Dems are more afraid of Trump than they were of McCain or Romney).
This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009 at a White House dinner for big Democratic fund raisers and donors. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a law professor who teaches and practices Sharia law.

Now, aren't you glad that you listen to the mainstream media to get your daily dose of DNC propaganda disguised as 'news'?
The article first appeared here.