Middle Class Americans Will Pay Billions In Taxes To Fund ObamaCare
by Anonymous
Non-Partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO): "6 Million People Will Pay A Penalty Because They Are Uninsured In 2016." "After accounting for those who will not be subject to the penalty tax, CBO and JCT now estimate that about 6 million people will pay a penalty because they are uninsured in 2016 (a figure that includes uninsured dependents who have the penalty paid on their behalf) and that total collections will be about $7 billion in 2016 and average about $8 billion per year over the 2017-2022 period." ("Payments Of Penalties For Being Uninsured Under The Affordable Care Act," The Congressional Budget Office, 9/19/12)
- "That's 2 Million More Than A Previous Estimate Found, Or A 50 Percent Increase." (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, "Tax Penalty To Hit Nearly 6 Million Uninsured People," The Associated Press, 9/19/12)
- "The Average Penalty Will Be Nearly $1,200." (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, "Tax Penalty To Hit Nearly 6 Million Uninsured People," The Associated Press, 9/19/12)
The Joint Committee On Taxation Report Found That ObamaCare Raises Taxes On Middle-Class Americans. "There are a number of tax provisions in the health care bill that may directly increase taxes on some individuals and families earning less than $200,000 and $250,000 per year. Furthermore, other tax provisions in the bill that directly affect businesses may ultimately affect individuals and families earning less than $200,000 and $250,000, respectively, to the extent that increased taxes results in higher prices for the products of the affected businesses." (Joint Committee On Taxation, Letter To Senator Tom Coburn, 3/20/12)
- ObamaCare Will Directly Raise Taxes On Americans Who Choose Not To Carry Health Insurance. "One provision that directly increases taxes is the penalty on taxpayers who fail to maintain minimum essential health insurance coverage. The penalty is the greater of a flat dollar amount per uninsured person that rises to $695 in 2016 (and is indexed by inflation thereafter) or a percentage of the household's income. In both cases, an overall cap applies to family payments. The penalty applies to individuals at all income levels." (Joint Committee On Taxation, Letter To Senator Tom Coburn , 3/20/12)
- Obama's Promise That He Wouldn't Tax The Middle-Class Is Broken. "This was to spare the White House the embarrassment of admitting that President Obama was violating right out of the box his sacred promise not to tax anyone earning less than $200,000. According to Congressional figures 70% to 75% of the 'tax' falls on those who earn less than $200,000 per year, and that is 8 million non-rich people. So Mr. Obama argued this was a mandate and a fine to enforce the requirement to buy health care." (Stephen Moore, "The ObamaCare Tax," The Wall Street Journal , 6/28/12)
The ObamaCare Tax Will Cost Middle-Class Americans Upwards Of $50 Billion
Projected Tax Revenue From 2016-2022: $55 Billion. ("Payments Of Penalties For Being Uninsured Under The Affordable Care Act," The Congressional Budget Office, 9/19/12)
- The CBO Forecasts Nearly $3 Billion More In Tax Revenues Over Previous Estimates. "Those estimates differ from projections that CBO and JCT made in April 2010: About two million more uninsured people are now projected to pay the penalty each year, and collections are now expected to be about $3 billion more per year." ("Payments Of Penalties For Being Uninsured Under The Affordable Care Act," The Congressional Budget Office, 9/19/12)
Obama Said The Tax Is "Not A Tax"
In 2009, Obama Argued That ObamaCare Was "Not A Tax." ABC's GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: "[D]uring the campaign. Under this mandate, the government is forcing people to spend money, fining you if you don't. How is that not a tax?" OBAMA: "Well, hold on a second, George. Here - here's what's happening. You and I are both paying $900, on average -- our families -- in higher premiums because of uncompensated care. Now what I've said is that if you can't afford health insurance, you certainly shouldn't be punished for that." ("Obama: Mandate Is Not A Tax," ABC News, 9/20/09)
Then It Was A Tax
At A Campaign Event, Obama Then Described The Penalty As A "Tax." "President Obama used the word 'tax' to describe the health care mandate under his reforms, a departure from his prior etymological stance that it is a penalty. 'By the way, if you've got health insurance, you're not getting hit by a tax,' the president said during his Friday rally in Roanoke, his third Virginia campaign event of the day. 'The only thing that's happening to you is that you now have more security because insurance companies can't drop you when you get sick.'" (Reid J. Epstein, "Obama Uses The 'Tax' Word To Describe Mandate," Politico, 7/13/12)
- Obama On ObamaCare: "If You've Got Health Insurance, You're Not Paying A Tax." (WLWT News 5, 7/6/12)
Now It's A "Principle"
In An Interview, Obama Is Now Calling The ObamaCare Tax A "Principle." "In the ongoing debate over whether the Affordable Care Act's mandate is a tax or a penalty, President Obama tried a different approach - calling it a 'principle.'" (Byron Tau, "Obama: Health Care Mandate Is A 'Principle,'" Politico's "44," 7/17/12)
- Obama: "It's less a tax or a penalty than it is a principle - which is you can't be a freeloader on other folks when it comes to your health care, if you can afford it." (WTOL's "News 11 At 5," 7/17/12)