Mueller’s Witch Hunt Finds Nothing on Trump, But Look Which Obama Truth Surfaced

10/02/2017 11:23


Though special counsel Robert Mueller has thus far uncovered zero evidence that President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, a far more shocking revelation regarding former President Barack Obama has made its way to the surface.

“US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe,” CNN revealed in a bombshell scoop last week.

Obama administration investigators also reportedly wiretapped Trump advisers Carter Page, Michael Flynn and others.


While it remains unclear how this information was unearthed, CNN’s sources claim Mueller’s team “has been provided details of these communications.”

But the more pressing point are the implications of this discovery.  “If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates,” veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson explained in a column for The Hill. “And those are just the ones we know about.”
In other words, “(i)t looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me,” she added, referencing an allegation she made several years back that Obama’s Justice Department had attempted to hack into her personal and work computers in 2013.  What remains unknown is whether any of this sketchy behavior was actually legal. Attkisson noted, however, that even if these hacks and wiretaps were legal, that doesn’t take away from the shadiness of it all.

The truth is, the revelation shows Obama and his administration were actively engaged in surveillance of American citizens that would have been unthinkable not all that long ago.  As Attkisson writes: “It seems that government monitoring of journalists, members of Congress and political enemies — under multiple administrations — has become more common than anyone would have imagined two decades ago … So has the unmasking of sensitive and highly protected names by political officials.”


From targeting conservative organizations via the IRS to trying to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for abortifacients, the Obama administration waged a relentless assault on the American people’s constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties. 

Will Mueller look into this new information and act accordingly, though? Considering his decision to line his team with leftists, I think the answer is likely a resounding “no.”


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