Murdered, They Covered It Up

06/11/2013 11:05

by Dave Hodges

Obama’s Role In Benghazi

Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned pleas were denied by Clinton.

It is now clear that a drone was released to the scene of the murder of Ambassador Stevens and Obama and his staff watched as four Americans were murdered.

Obama later claimed that there was not time to launch a rescue mission. This is a blatant lie because if a drone can reach the scene and video the events, fighter planes could have reached the scene and intervened, which could have been followed up with a rapid deployment force trained in rescue. We now know that General Hamm, former commander of AFRICOM, against Obama’s orders, was preparing to launch a rescue mission when he was arrested and relieved of command.

As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, was under attack.

  General Hamm

Admiral Gayouette

General Hamm and Admiral Gayouette understood their oath of office

When General Hamm received his “stand down” orders from Panetta on behalf of Obama, he defiantly made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening the order by his second in command, General Rodriquez.  Out to sea, Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.” Both men are being held today in undisclosed locations. As an aside, if there is any kind of a silver lining in these very dark clouds it appears that much of the senior military leadership has had enough of the traitorous Obama and his den of corrupt criminals and some of them are willing to risk career in the name of actually serving the American people. America almost got its military coup.

The evidence is clear. Clinton and Obama knew that Stevens was in grave danger and should have ordered extra security. Obama refused to support Clinton, purposely leaving Stevens exposed. At this point, Clinton had a choice……Does she go along to get along and become an accomplice to murder? Or, does she resign and refuse to go along with the murderous intentions of Panetta and Obama? Even if Clinton had resigned that should not have been enough to avoid criminal charges of depraved indifference by failing to report a crime that she knew was going to happen and then did take place in that Stevens was murdered to hide this administrations involvement in giving 20,000 stinger missiles to al Qaeda.

Clinton had both a moral and legal imperative to resign and then tell what she knew.  General Ham and Admiral Gayouette are clearly men who understand their moral and legal imperatives. They refused to obey an unlawful and unconstitutional order. Clinton, true to her criminal background and history of inappropriate choices, chose to go along,  to get along.

There can be no doubt that Clinton would have had limited options if she would have displayed the courage of Hamm and Gayoutte and refused to obey an illegal order from Obama through Panetta. I also understand that it would have been gut wrenching to decide where she could have gone with this information? The logical choice is Eric Holder, the Attorney General. However, with Holder’s complicity in Fast and Furious, Clinton would have known that Holder was not an option and that he is just as corrupt as Obama. She could not have gone to the FBI, because it is controlled by the President. Local law enforcement has no jurisdiction. Now, before you start to feel sorry for Clinton, please realize that Congress threw her a lifeline. Clinton’s supporters have told me that her life would have been in danger, if she tells all to Congress, and my answer response is “You mean in the same way that Chris Stevens life was in danger?”

The Petraeus Affair

Hamm and Gayoutte are not the only ones whose careers were sacrificed over Benghazi. I have swamp land for sale, in Florida, for anyone to purchase if they are naive enough to believe that David Petraeus, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), resigned solely based upon having an extramarital affair with the biographer-turned-mistress, Colonel Paula Broadwell.  How did the affair compromise Petraeus’ position as CIA director? The FBI has concluded that it did not.

Patraeus and Broadwell

And for the head of a federal agency, or for a cabinet member, unless the affair can be shown to compromise national security, it does not end the careers of unholy partakers of the forbidden fruit while serving in high government office. Petraeus decided to quit, though he was breaking no laws by having an affair, officials said. Petraeus was fired as CIA director because he refused to participate in the cover-up of Chris Stevens murder by twisting and tainting the evidence which now squarely points back at the White House.

Clinton is still putting her political career and her loyalty to the democratic party ahead of her oath of office. Anyone, who has an IQ higher than room temperature, knows that Obama and Panetta let Stevens be murdered and their intent was deliberate. So, rather than doing the right thing, Clinton wants to appear to be protecting the President and ultimately the Democratic party.

In my opinion, Clinton is taking the political bullet so she can retain support from her party in order that she can run in 2016 with full party support. Meanwhile, Obama and Panetta made a decision to let Stevens get murdered to make the trail of evidence go cold with regard to their illegal gun running operations to Al-Qaida, into Syria via Turkey, in this Middle East version of Fast and Furious. And Hillary simply goes along to get along.


The Late Ambassador Stevens

At the end of the day, Ambassador Chris Stevens along with Sean Smith,  Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed in a planned terrorist attack in Libya on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. Some of the four victims families render a harsh verdict of the Obama Administration.  Sean Smith’s mother. Patricia Smith, has said that the president ‘murdered her son’ and Tyrone Woods’ father has echoed her sentiment. And Hillary went along to get along while she did Obama’s bidding.