My Line In The Sand Is Drawn Here!
by Chuck Baldwin
If Barack Obama and his gaggle of gun grabbers have their way, the American citizenry will have all of their firearms taken away. If their current attempt to outlaw semi-automatic rifles is successful, does anyone think it will stop there? Don't be naive! The goal of people like Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, et al., has always been total gun confiscation. In fact, Senator Feinstein is actually on record as saying so.
The report plays a video in which Senator Feinstein said, If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up [every gun] Mr. and Mrs. America, turn em all in.
See the report at:
Even owners of supposedly grandfathered firearms will be treated like common criminals.
-Ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of 120 specifically named rifles, shotguns and handguns;
--Ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of ALL firearms with a detachable magazine and at least one military characteristic™--which could mean just about anything that makes a gun look scary.
--Bans the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of magazines holding more than 10 rounds;
--Force owners of ALL grandfathered weapons to undergo an intrusive background check and unnecessary fingerprinting;
--Force owners of ALL grandfathered weapons to federally register their guns after obtaining permission slip from local law enforcement showing their guns are not in violation of state or local law. That's right. If you own a $10 magazine that's more than 10 rounds, you'll have to register it with the BATFE in their National Firearms Registry.And you and I both know registration is only the first step toward outright confiscation. So don't be fooled. See the report at:
As I stated in this column last week, The semi-automatic rifle is the vanguard of our liberty; it is the surest and most trustworthy means of our self-defense; and it is the primary companion of any man who would both protect and feed his family.Make no mistake about it: to take away an American's right to a semi-automatic rifle is to FULLY DISARM HIM. There is no Second Amendment; there is no right to keep and bear arms; there is no citizen militia; there is no liberty without the semi-automatic rifle!
In that column I also quoted Thomas Jefferson who rightly observed, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."See my column at:
And it is Jefferson' observation that the strongest reason that the American people must always retain the right to keep and bear arms is to protect themselves against tyranny in government, that is universally ignored in the modern gun-control debate.
Here in Montana, however, our two US senators (both Democrats) proudly profess to be pro-Second Amendment. Montanans should be sending a strong message to both of these senators to hold the line for our right to keep and bear arms--including semi-automatic rifles. I cannot imagine that any civil magistrate from either major political party could hope to be reelected in the State of Montana who would support Senator Feinstein's gun-grab bill. And I would hope and pray that there would be dozens of other states in which the Second Amendment is equally honored.
2. We must demand of our State governors and legislators that they resist any attempts of the federal government to outlaw our firearms.
This means State legislatures should pass laws defying the federal gun ban and protecting the right of citizens to keep and bear arms within their states. Governors should be willing to utilize State law enforcement agencies to protect their citizens’ right to keep (and not register) their guns, and county sheriffs should stiffen their backs and refuse to allow any federal police agency from enforcing the gun ban. After all, the county sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority in his or her county, trumping even federal law enforcement officers.
3. Individual citizens like you and I must be willing to draw our personal line in the sand on this issue and refuse to comply with any law requiring us to register or surrender our firearms--including our semi-automatic rifles.
Ladies and gentlemen, whatever the consequences might be, and whatever anyone else does or doesn't do, I am prepared to become an outlaw over this issue! I don't know how to say it any plainer: I will not register my firearms, and I will not surrender my firearms. Period. End of story. It's not just a saying with me: when my guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw! It is time RIGHT NOW for every American citizen to make up his or her mind on this issue.
There are many laws, which I personally find repugnant and even unconstitutional, to which I grudgingly submit. For example, while I very much understand, and even philosophically agree with, those who refuse to pay income taxes, I pay income taxes. Even though I believe the income tax to be unconstitutional, onerous, and maybe even nefarious, I have not drawn my line in the sand on that issue. I haven't drawn a line in the sand on the requirement for all sorts of government licenses, i.e., marriage licenses, driver's licenses, CCW permits, Social Security cards, etc., even though
I personally believe that many requirements for licensure stretch the boundaries of legitimate government. And, again, even though I understand those who refuse to take them, I have a marriage license, a driver's license, a CCW permit, and a Social Security card. There are many issues over which I am willing to be annoyed, but for the sake of perceived Christian testimony and/or perceived good citizenship, I reluctantly and grudgingly comply. But on the issue of taking away my right to keep and bear arms--including a semi-automatic rifle--I absolutely refuse to comply!
Make no mistake about it: it is not just semi-automatic rifles that these gun grabbers are after. Ultimately, they want to take all of our guns. We either stop them now or there will be no stopping them at all.
It is no hyperbole to say that this attempt by people such as Barack Obama and Dianne Feinstein to make outlaws out of law-abiding citizens for simply exercising our right to keep and bear arms is the most important political battle of our lifetimes! I am not exaggerating when I say that the future of freedom and liberty for our children and for our country--not to mention the future of our own personal lives and freedom--hang in the balance.