Party politics: “The Fix” is in

02/13/2015 11:30

by Anonymous

The majority of Americans are disgusted with our government “representatives”, and what is happening in America. The frustration is spreading, and yet, Americans are again falling for “The Fix”.  It is obvious something has to change; but what? To solve any problem, “the root cause” must be discovered, understood, exposed, and eliminated.  In the realm of politics; exposing  “the root cause” of America’s decline on any significantscale, has been unattainable. Almost all major media is directed and controlled by “the root cause” which sets “The Fix”.  

Decade after decade, and election after election; too many voters fall for “The Fix”.  They either don’t vote out of disgust; or they vote for “the lesser of two evils”.  This syndrome has put America where it is today, and evil continues to prosper.  Give thought to “The Fix”.  The Democratic Party promotes a variety of liberals (socialists), and the Republican Party promotes a variety of “conservatives” (covert global socialists? - Bush and his “New World Order” is one example).  Under both parties, our Constitutional Republic (not democracy), is being decimated.  The Constitution and the principles that made our country the most prosperous, and the envy of the world, is being replaced with a semi-covert agenda for global socialism.  Few Americans understand the purpose of the globalist agenda; but most politicians believe in it, or have sold out to it. That is why their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution have been meaningless to most of them.


The Root Cause” of our country’s decline; is the privately owned Federal Reserve System (banks), and their control of our money and economy.  The perpetrators are the internationalist bankers, whose policy it is, to create a global socialist “New World Order”.  With their vast wealth, media control (ownership), control of “public”  education, and control of the party apparatus; they are able to ensure that both parties will nominate candidates that will carry out their agenda.  With this control, the people fall for “The Fix”; out of disgust they either don’t vote, or they feel compelled to vote for “the lesser of two evils” – banker agent “A” or “B”. The voters are told, “no one else can win”, (now the scam is to convince the voters “who is the most electable against Obama”.  It will be someone the Bankers know they can control to ensure their agenda is carried out.) That agenda is a One World totalitarian socialist dictatorship administered by their front men.  I will as concisely as possible back this statement up with their own writings, and try to stir any readers to give it thought and renounce it.  

Both parties executive cabinets (national security advisors) are filled with members of “the Council on Foreign Relations” (CFR) and “the Trilateral Commission” (TC)). John D. Rockefeller formed the (CFR) in early 1920’s, and David Rockefeller formed the TC in 1973.  David Rockefeller’s chief foreign policy advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, put the organization together for his boss.  Jimmy Carter was made a TC founding member.  After Carter was elected president, he filled his cabinet with CFR/TC members, with Zbigniew Brzezinski as his chief foreign policy “advisor”. Reagan’s cabinet began with fewer (CFR) members, but many non (CFR)  member were drummed out of office. (with the help of the liberal MSM)  When Reagan finished office, most were again CFR/TC members.  Bush senior is a Trilateralist and 9 of 11 of his national security council are (CFR)  members.  Bill Clinton is a CFR/TC member, and attended the Bilderberg meeting last year.  P. Volker, A. Greenspan, H. Kissinger, Robert Strange McNamara are but a few of the high officials that belong to the CFR, TC, and the Bilderberg Group.  
To show where these people and organizations are coming from I quote:  TC report #23, 1982 –     “… actions at the multinational level will be needed if the process of international relocation of industries is to be accelerated in an organized fashion ” (a policy to deindustrialize America)  Now; please really reflect on what has happened under both parties CFR/TC administrations and Congresses.  Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his book “between two ages” p. 72 (1970) -  “Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external active man over the inner passive man, and a victory of reason over belief.” This man, a Democrat and Henry Kissinger, a Republican, both employed by David  Rockefeller, both CFR/TC /Bilderberger members. Both one world globalists (pro Marxists, per their own writings). Think about it!  Can you see how “The Fix”.  Is ensuring a one world dictatorship, to be ruled by these parasitic elitists?

In “Foreign Affairs ”(a CFR publication), April 1974, Richard Gardener, Ambassador to Italy, writes “an end run around national sovereignty, {Isn't that what Illegal imigration is?- Ed} eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal attack.”         


Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”  -  President James  Garfield  (assassinated)

If Congress has the right to issue paper money, it was given to them to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.” - President Andrew Jackson (he revoked the U. S. Banking Charter in 1832 (A double misfire at point blank range of an attempted assassination saved his life.)

The Federal Reserve (privately owned banks) is one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen.” Senator Louis T. McFadden, 1934 (chairman of the U. S. Banking and Currency Commission for over 10 years)   (probably assassinated; there were several attempts on his life before his mysterious death)

The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government.  Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power.”  President Abraham Lincoln   (assassinated)

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.  The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”   - President Thomas Jefferson

All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arise, not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, not from a lack of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” - President John Adams

This ignorance still exists by design. (A magnificent cover up, (made possible by both political parties, the MSM, and “public education).  Nothing has changed except the sophistication and advancement of their one world agenda; made possible with the increased corruption, ignorance, and/or cowardice of our “leaders” (politicians). The internationalist bankers and their comrades, promote and fund any government that does their bidding; be it “democracy”, socialistic, communistic, dictatorship, or monarchy.  For example: Bush senior, just pushed for, and Congress passed extension of “most favored nation status” to Communist China. 

On April 2, Congress by voice vote, ratified a United Nations treaty, “covenant on civil and political rights”. This treaty limits free speech and imposes penalties against American citizens to be determined by an international body. The above forms of government promote the separation of a worker from his earnings through taxation and/or extortion. The constitution does not allow this and has been covertly circumvented. Understand that the banker’s and politician’s trusts and foundations are exempt from the income and inheritance taxes that they impose on American citizens.  Also remember that the abolition of private property, a heavy progressive income tax, and abolition of inheritance, are the first three planks of the Communist Manifesto.  

There is not enough space to cover the Bankster’s and politician’s political subterfuge with the interconnections of the Bilderberg Group, CFR, TC, CIA, IRS, and tax exempt foundations. Nor their use of their world government apparatus; United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, NAFTA, WTO, GATA and etc.To establish and fund their NEW WORLD ORDER.  (In the past six years, the taxpayers were held liable for TRILLIONS of “dollars”  of the international banker’s bad debts. European banks were bailed out via the IMF. The exact numbers and to exactly who, is hidden from Congress.  Another reason the Fed must be audited)

Abraham Lincoln and many of our founding fathers warned that the only way we could be destroyed or lose our liberty would be from within. The enemy within is the international bankers, their usurious banking system, and our politicians that have sold out our nation to the Bilderberg Group’s  New World Order agenda.   

This treacherous banking fraud has taken the strongest treasury and economy in the world, and turned it into a (1992 figures) 3,300,000,000,000 ($3.3 trillion) debt, with $300 billion interest “owed” to these parasites. Understand that the income taxes never reach the government, and are applied against the $3.3 trillion debt. (The “debt” is now $16 trillion; along with the interest on the debt. This scam must be exposed and eliminated)  
There have been several recent bills in Congress to audit and/or reform the FED RES (House bill – H. R. 1468).  If both major party candidates do not address this most important issue; don’t fall for “The Fix”.  Register and vote for a candidate that does.  (There used to be other parties, but the Banksters money and owned MSM, including FOX, have been successful in all but eliminating all opposition to the Bilderberg agenda.  Now;  Ron Paul [and now Rand Paul - ED] are the only candidate that is fighting against the totalitarian NWO powers. The election is being set up again, and MSM are the partners in this set up.)  I can only hope enough Americans wake up to the Bilderberger’s CFR perpetual war agenda, and vote against the carnage they have created, and are promoting. 

A question for “conservative” Rush Limbaugh  listeners. Why has Rush always blocked anyone who calls in to discuss the Bilderbergers, and their CFR/TC agenda?  He bragged about meeting with David Rockefeller in the early 90’s. Incumbent politicians selling out our country to the  Bankster’s New World Order agenda; must either denounce the Bilderberger’s internationalist policies, or be voted out of office.  

Related: CFR Money Game

              To Whom Your Children Belong              

Note: Ross Perot is a fraud. As the supposed “conservative, libertarian”, he never addressed the CFR/TC banking issue.  He then bailed out of the election, and left the country entrenched in the “lesser of two evils” offered by both parties,and hence - “The Fix” is in again.(CFR Bush Sr. or CFR Bill Clinton.  How many have noticed how palsy the two are now?) This article first appeared in 1992; note how relevant it is today - ED}