Planned Parenthood faces charges for failing to report abuse

08/14/2014 10:00

by Hannah Tomlinson, DEPUTY COUNSEL

The Complaint  tells us the pregnant girl was 13 years old, and she called the man who brought her to the abortion clinic "Tim," not "dad." He didn't have the same last name as the girl, but the Planned Parenthood staff didn't question that either. They didn't pull the girl aside when Tim started pressuring her to get birth control by injection. They didn't take advantage of any opportunity to question the girl alone.

They provided a "no-questions-asked" abortion procedure and sent the child home with the birth control her stepfather asked for. She had already lived with abuse for 7 years when she became pregnant, and the abuse continued several more months after the abortion, until Tim finally got caught. He pleaded guilty late in 2012 to two felony charges. Now Planned Parenthood and its employees who helped cover up the abuse are being called to task for violating their duty to report.

Read the Amended Complaint.

The girl’s mother brought this complaint against Planned Parenthood and four unnamed employees who were present at the time of the abortion.

In Colorado, a 13 year old girl is below the legal age of consent, that should have been a red flag to clinic workers at the start.

Like most states, Colorado law gives clear directions on who must report  abuse, when to report, and how to report. (C.R.S.A. § 19-3-304) Legislators faithfully pass laws designed to protect children in situations just like this, yet here again Planned Parenthood has demonstrated it is more interested in performing abortions than actually caring for the women and children who come through their doors.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated case. Failure to report child abuse is the unwritten standard procedure of abortion clinics across the country, and this is just another case that demonstrates why it is so important for prosecutors to be ready to enforce mandatory reporting law – and why we at the Amistad Journey do what we do.

Read More on the history of Planned Parenthood’s failure to report child abuse.




We will keep you updated on this case, and ask for your support and prayers for this precious girl, her mother, her legal team and all those involved. The article first appeared  here. 

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