Terry Trussells Fight For Common Law Justice in Dixie County, FL

11/03/2014 09:00

by Harry Riley


This is a first party update of the Dixie County, FL County Commissioners Meeting (cited here) that was attended by Wendell Beattie and Harry Riley among others.
Wendell and I drove from Crestview, FL to Cross City, FL on 10-16-2014 and joined 50-100 other supporters fighting for Terry Trussells release and vindication of a charge for doing his duty as jury foreman and later convening a “common law grand jury” that voted presentments against government officials.
The Dixie County Commission Chairman started the meeting on a positive note.  Since Terry’s issue was not on the official agenda, it ordinarily would have had to be presented during the “public discussion period” at the end of the commission official agenda.  However, the Chairman noting the substantial attendance, elected to move Terry’s issue to the top of the meeting.  He asked for those that wanted to speak, hands raised and the documentation of the travesty Terry experienced  began and was shared with the Commissioners by Mr. Rodger Dowdell, Hagan Smith, as well as several other men and women who spoke in Terry’s defense, many who had witnessed Terry’s arraignment.
Rodger and Hagan laid out the law in a constitutional sense as well as the Florida constitutional application regarding common law and general miscarriage of justice in Terry’s case.  It was compelling evidence that 1. Florida is a “common law” State; 2. The U.S. Constitution clearly supports common law; 3. the Florida Constitution clearly describes the authority of a county commission as key in common law grand jury application; and generally related the absolutely bizarre nature of Judge Hankinson’,  State Attorney Siegmeister, and others behavior involving Terry’s arrest at the arraignment.
It was apparent to me that by the County Commission’s attention, that they were grasping the serious nature of what was happening to a citizen in the United States, Terry Trussell, who is being punished for uncovering illegal activity, and having the guts to stand for justice rather than contribute to more corruption.  ( ...On September 2nd, Terry was arrested and jailed based on a fatally flawed affidavit. Judge Hankinson’s then issued an order, and warrant for the arrest of TERRY GEORGE TRUSSELL. A Void Judgment True Bill was drafted and filing was attempted in both Dixie County Court Clerk Office as well as with the Court Clerk in Perry (seat of the Circuit Court where Judge Hankinson is assigned), both clerks refused to file these important legal papers in terry’s defense.  Additionally, it was discovered that the Court Clerk in Dixie County, Dana Johnson, removed and altered, or had removed and altered, official paperwork that Terry had filed previously into the public record. You can read the rest of the sequence of events of Terry’s judicial encounter here)
There was one request from the floor for the Commission Chair to read the US Constitution V Amendment.  The Chair declined but another Commissioner volunteered to read to the audience.  He read, “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment of indictment of a Grand Jury, ...” and of course there has never been a Grand Jury hear any issue regarding Terry Trussell.  Bottom line, Judge Hankinson ordered Terry arrested and is holding him without bond, a V Amendment injustice.
I also spoke with Terry’s wife, Marie as well as their daughter.  Both are doing well, fully committed to the path needed to exonerate Terry and prove to America that “we the people” are the power given through the US constitution and have rights from God that no judge nor any other human can take from us.  Marie indicated Terry was well. The medical episode he had after initial incarceration that landed him in the hospital, resulted from him not having his medication for 2-3 days.  The obvious discomfort of a cell, as well as absence from family is troubling but Terry’s attitude is “he is right, they are wrong” and that means a fight for justice.
Finally, at the end of the presentation by Terry’s supporters, the Chair of the commission asked Rodger Dowdell, “what is it that you want”?  Rodger stated, “We are asking the Dixie County Commissioners to grant us a room in the Court House to conduct a “new common law Grand Jury” proceeding.  The Chair initially responded, “we don’t have that authority, it belongs with the judicial”.  To which Rodger Dowdell, cited Florida Constitutional authority that the County Commission has the authority to do exactly what is being asked, “provide a room in the Court House to conduct a common law Grand Jury proceeding”. At this point there was no further discussion as the Commission Chair was either convinced or had no further rebuttal.
The Chair of the commission stated there could be no vote on the request for Court Room space at the present meeting, as the issue related to Terry Trussell was not a formal agenda item.  It was agreed that the item would be accepted as a formal agenda point for the next County Commission meeting which I believe is November 7, 2014. (I was not given any information related to Terry’s release from jail.)
The general sense of Wendell, myself, and others as to the reception by the Commissioners was positive, encouraging, and uplifting,  particularly to Terry’s wife and daughter in spite of Terry’s continued absence from the family. 
There is strength in prayer, and our number one resource on Terry’s and the families behalf. Please be praying, and if you can, be prepared to visit Cross City, FL on November 7, 2014 in support of Terry, his family, and show strength to the County Commission that America is standing with Terry and family. 
Hankinson, Siegmeister, and others in the government establishment are wrong, Terry Trussell is right.  Someone has to drain the judicial cesspool...Terry didn’t ask to be thrown in it, but he will fight like hell to drain it........
Use the “blow by blow” debacle description here to notify every media outlet, talk radio, editor, representative, FL Gov Scott, AG Bondi, legal firms, FB, email lists........far and wide........let’s sink injustice and establish justice in the Florida and US judiciary.

Note: This is yet a futher example of the judicial cesspool that has engulfed America from overturning constitutional amendments with 70% support and over, forcing common core in the public education system, refusing to quarantine Ebola patients, and refusing to act on evidence of presidential fraud.

Harry Riley is a former US Colonel now retired
living in Crestview Florida. The article originally appeared here.