The 2016 Election WAS Hacked, But It Wasn’t Russia

12/28/2017 11:08

by Chris Cambell


By now, we’re sure you’ve heard how “The Most Trusted Name in News” just humiliated itself — and brought half the media complex down with it.

To recap, CNN recently provided an email which proved Wikileaks had secretly offered Trump special access to the DNC emails before they were published online.  The email in question, from Michael J. Erickson, offered a decryption key  to the DNC emails Wikileaks had uploaded. According to CNN, the email was dated September 4. That would’ve put it a week prior to Wikileaks publishing the documents.

The smoking gun! Aha!

This would’ve proven, once and for all, Trump had special access to these documents — all, of course, granted by some Russian behind the curtain…Alas… the pesky facts stepped in and ruined CNN’s bash.  The email was dated September 14, not 4.  This means it was sent after the emails were public. (Minor detail.)   And Michael Erickson wasn’t a super-spy working for a Kremlin, he was just some random dude wanting to make sure Trump saw the emails.  “In other words,” Greenwald writes, “the email was the exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.”

The craziest part? The MSM complex jumped on this story like foxes in a henhouse, without even verifying to make sure it was true.  It wasn’t. It was a blatant lie. And it was so easy to debunk. How did this happen? As Glenn Greenwald writes in his excellent piece in The Intercept, they won’t say.  But I think anyone who has been paying attention to how the corporate media works has a pretty good idea how this could’ve been possible.

(Collusion, perhaps?)


This, along with the entire “Russia hacked the election” narrative will go down as the most blatant propaganda attempt in history. (If you want to see an incredible debunking of the “intelligence report” on Russia hacking the election, go no further than James Corbett.)  It will also go down in history as being one of the most elaborate cover-ups.

The 2016 election was indeed hacked. But it wasn’t Russia. And, if nothing’s done, if nobody brings this out into the open, it will happen again.  “This story is so wide, so deep, so complicated and the corruption is so TOTAL,” says one Youtuber, Debbie, of the “Sane Progressive” channel… (I have a shortlist of thought leaders across the entire spectrum I think are more interested in TRUTH than furthering their own agenda. She’s on it.)

And it has everything to do with Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton Cover Up…

“As we’ve talked the Russian narrative,” Debbie says, “there’s been great journalism from Glenn Greenwald, some of the alternative media sources, a few lone truth tellers. And they’ve been talking about why the Russia narrative has been pushed so heavily. They’ve talked about discrediting Donald Trump. They’ve talked about it as a diversion. “But what is really missing as the central underlying motive of what is driving this is the fraud that was committed in the 2016 democratic primary election. Documented. We have mass evidence of documented fraud that harmed Bernie Sanders voters and consistently benefitted Hillary Clinton.

“And there was such a widespread and coordinated campaign. There is no way that it was coincidental or a glitch. It was coordinated. It was nationwide. And it occurred state to state to state. So while everybody is saying this Russia narrative is driven as a diversion or to discredit Trump…

“The biggest thing that is happening with this Russia narrative is it is also being used as a coverup. And it is also being used to pass policies that will give the inside players who perpetuated the fraud the ability to ensure they’ll be more successful the next go around.”  The Russia narrative, after all, is being used to justify policies which give the DHS unfettered access to the “election infrastructure.”

“They just moved forward to declare elections as critical infrastructure — which gives the Department of Homeland Security the ability to access and oversee the election infrastructure. It gives them access.  “And they are taking this authority and claiming the need for it not on the basis on the real dangers the U.S. faces on the election system today. They are doing it on the bogus reasons that Russia and these foreign threats — that these measures are necessary to protect our elections.”  It’s one of the most important stories of the decade. And not enough people are talking about it.  If you have the time, watch the video. And there’s also a list of links below this video to tie it all together.

Click here to watch


Election Fraud Blog with State to State Evidence:
Link here

Great article about how ELECTION FRAUD – Not Voter Fraud is REAL DANGER & WHY:
Link here

Great link of Obama contradicting his own claims about Election Fraud in his OWN WORDS:
Link here

Arizona Voter Registration Data Based HACK:
Link here.

20 States Voter Data Bases Breached:
Link here

Blame Russia for the Breaches BUT if you look at ALL these articles they ALWAYS put in caveats and include no actual evidence – as they did here (two other CIA officials NOT SURE if its Russia):
Link here

Local News Video about DHS Breaching State Voter Roll Data Bases:
On Department of Homeland Security taking over Critical Infrastructure:
Link here
Link here

The Recommendations to Make Elections Critical Infrastructure ORIGINATED with DHS THINK TANK LAST JULY at SAME TIME James Clapper was saying Russia Claims were UNSUBSTANTIATED:
Link here

On Arizona Fraud:
Link here

Link here

GREAT resources for understanding why Russia Narrative is Horse Crap: James Corbert Video Going Through Actual Intelligence Report:
Link here

Jimmy Dore Great FIve Minute that Cuts through the BS – Great One to Share:
Link here

Two Sane Progressive Videos on the Russia Narrative – please go to the video descriptions in each one of these which will give you MANY more important links:
Link here
Link here

Washington Post list of Neo-Cons/DHS/CIA & War Industry Leads Endorsing CLINTON:
Link here

Pied Piper Strategy of Clinton Campaign/DNC & Corporate Media to Elevate Trump to Blackmail Country with Trump:

Link here


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