The Color of Crime in Chicago

03/13/2016 09:00

by Staff


According to the 2010 Census, African-Americans are  32.4% and Hispanics are 28.9% percent of Chicago ’s population. Whites are 31.7% percent.


 96.8 percent of homicides in Chicago are committed by African-Americans and Hispanics. But it's not their fault ??? (Whites and Asians who make up 38.7% of the population committed 3.2% of the homicides)


93.3 percent of rape in Chicago is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.


Of the 2,759 robberies committed in Chicago in 2009, 2,352 of those robberies were committed by African-Americans, which means that African-Americans are responsible for 85.2 percent of robbery in Chicago  10.8% of robberies are committed by Hispanics for a total 96% for BOTH races.

Aggravated Assault

It is clear that 96.8 percent of homicides 93.3 percent of rapes 96 percent of robberies, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assaults  =  94.5 percent of all violent crime in Chicago is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.  If African-Americans and Hispanics were removed from Chicago , 95 percent of violent crime in Chicago would disappear along with them. 

Source: 2009 Annual Report, Chicago Police Department


How does race have nothing to do with crime? Why does the media pretend there isn’t a connection here?