The Real Halloween
by Steve Frazier
The celts called it "samhain day", others call it Halloween but you can call it by its so called christian name "all saints day, actually Nov 1st. It is also known as the night of the dead; and satan is the god of the dead! The very night of this evil observance in the sacred Hebrew calander is the month of Heshvan on the very day we call "Oct. 31".
This night of demons, and human sacrifices has been going on for 4,000 years. The ancient Israelites got caught up in it, as well as us modern Israelites. It is a day where the Bible describes the children of Israel, along with their canaanite and moabite neighbors, sacrificed their babies to "Baal" in the valley of Hinnom. just outside Jerusalem. Some other names halloween went by were "Baal" which means gods (of the gentiles). There was "Baal of Peor" Ps. 106:28.Here are some facts about halloween, or night of the dead.:
In the book "The Two Babylons", as well as "Worship of the dead" it tells about the Israelites and their surrounding neighbors celebrating this night. All the peoples were required to come with ALL the family members including the babies. They would build a fire in the base of the statue of Molech or Soltar so very hot. The statue was actually a chimney of sorts with a door just beneith the out stretch hands of it. A totally unsuspectant mother either canaanite or even Israelite, would have their babies ripped out of their arms. At this point a canaanite priest called a "canna" would place a hood over the babys head and tie it up, then lay it on the outstreached arms of Molach. They would beat the drums loudly, and yell as to cover the screams of the mother and the babies, as they opened a door and the flames consumed or roasted the child.
Halloween goes way back in its origins, one other "baal" or god was "Molech (Jer.32:31-35) "they passed their sons and daughters through the fire of Molech in the valley of Hinnom" .Check up on these names "molech (canaanite), Milcom (maobite), malcom (phoenician), samhain, it will all refer to the spirit of halloween either way. It is a day where the Bible describes the children of Israel, along with their canaanite and moabite neighbors, sacrificed their babies to "Baal" in the valley of Hinnom. just outside Jerusalem.
Afterwards the priests of "Baal" (means gods) would then be required to eat some of the roasted meat of the child. Remember they called the canaanite priests "canna" and the gods of canaan "Baal". this is where our word cannibal comes from. All this has followed us down through the centeries. Over thousands of years with some variances to it. Do you understand why God says NOT TO FOLLOW such a practice?
Now in our modern society the churches of America have adopted this pagan practice, and say come spend halloween with us. Do you realize God mentions halloween 40 times in the scriptures with its origins? God says He will not put up with it, and states (I Cor. 10:19-21) this is idol worship (when one conforms to a custom or practice), you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. But, today we offer our children as a nation to "molech" through conforming to a religious custom that the God of creation calls an abomination, and commands to flee from it.
God's days run from sundown to sundown and the night of the dead, our Lord God hates.