You Live In A Country Run By Idiots If...

08/10/2015 08:30
Submitted by Tyler Durden
We truly live in a country run by idiots. The contradictions between common sense and government actions are just too many to have happened by accident or chance. But perhaps the leaders are not the idiots. Maybe the people tolerating such leaders and laws are the true idiots.
What follows is a contrast between common folk wisdom and what Washington considers wisdom. These contradictions are inconvenient for government, threatening to reveal their incompetence or hidden agenda. The author of this piece is unknown although it sounds like something that could have come from Jeff Foxworthy who popularized this presentation style.
Oh, and regarding the image above - we are the idiots for accepting this nonsense.
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to get your parent’s permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by idiots.
If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government, you live in a country run by idiots.
If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy leaders in Egypt , you live in a country run by idiots.
If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat, you live in a country run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman can be strip-searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country run by idiots.
If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is cute, but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you live in a country run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, Subsidized Housing and Free Cell Phones, you live in a country run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but cannot find work, you live in a country run by idiots.
If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more safe according to the government, you live in a country run by idiots.
If you are offended by this article, I’ll bet you voted for the idiots who are running our great country into the ground.



[Note: We publish from time to time submittals that we receive that are of historical, patriotic, political interest or simply possess an interesting satirical slant. Most times the authors of these pieces are unknown and so are published under 'anonymous'. Emphasis is ours.. It is a thought provoking analogy and we hope you will contemplate its message. The article appeared earlier here. - ED.]