March for Life 2016 ignores REAL science, embraces faux facts again
by East Side Hunky
March for Life 2016, like many pro life groups, seems to embrace faux science, even in the face of repetitive fraternal corrections, says Prof. Dianne Irving, in her recent piece discussing the matter. It is not a matter of not knowing, but rather choosing to embrace outdated or ill informed statements that have no bearing in scientific data.
One such phrase that drives ESH up a wall is “from conception to natural death”, often quoted by religious and pro-life sources, which is prima faciae a gross scientific untruth. Such a phrase rules out defending the right to life of babies conceived by artificial means (e.g. IVF, ART, et alia) and natural means (e.g. twinning in the womb of identical twins).
Read Irving’s well elucidated truth in the link above and…PLEASE…stop using faux science and calling it pro life.